mercoledì 27 luglio 2011

Italian Sup race championship : third round at Anzio city

 We spent a beautifull day at the Anzio Sup race.
Lot of people came from all over Italy to paddle for the third round of the Fisurf Italian championship.
Good results for Superior paddles:
1° Kahuna 12'6  Massimo Cipollari
2°Khauna 12'6  Roberto Domenichini
1°Gran Khauna 12'6 Stefano Creti 
3° 14' William Zappatore 
Congratulations to all paddlers !!


martedì 5 luglio 2011

26 june 2011 Romagna sup cup Race

The Khauna Gran Khauna podium is property of Superior Paddles :
1° Massimo Cipollari
2° Roberto Domenichini
3° Massimo Maestri
Congratulations !!!!!!

Bergeggi ,King of the island 2011

Roberto Domenichini at the European four star sup race of Bergeggi got the 10° place this year .
He was on the podium with the 3° place at the last year edition.
Hope to see him again on podium next season !!!